Games & Puzzles Up for Auction Saturday, March 22, 2025 at 6pm on Discord

Games & Puzzles Up for Auction Saturday, March 22, 2025 at 6pm on Discord

Last Update: Tuesday, March 15, 2025 at 5:15 pm

Thus far, 227 games in 135 lots were submitted for our Game & Puzzle Auction on Saturday, March 22, 2025. See Final List below. [ Download FINAL List ]

You can view the games up for auction in person at Here Be Books & Games and photos of the games on our Facebook Page in the March 2025 Auction Album under Photos.

As for the auction itself, the fun starts at 6:00 PM on our Discord server. Make sure you're registered so you don't miss out. It's your chance to get awesome deals on gently-used, gift-worthy board games, some still in their original shrink wrap. 

Register Now to Bid!

Just call Tina at (843) 851-1498
(Here Be Books & Games' landline).

Space is limited to 23 bidders.

Registration grants you access to bid in the auction on Auction Night or submit proxy bids if you're unable to attend.

The names of officially registered bidders for this auction appear in green on our Discord server. If your Discord username isn't green and you're sure you registered, then call Tina ASAP.

Proxy Bids

If there’s something you’re interested in, but will not be able to attend the auction, call Tina ASAP at (843) 851-1498. She can bid for you by proxy. Just let her know the specific lot number(s) you want and your maximum bid for each lot. 

You must be a registered bidder to submit a proxy bid.
The deadline for proxy bids is noon Saturday, March 22.

Bidding on Italicized Games & Leftovers

Occasionally a few lots are left over at the end of the auction. This most often happens with lots that have multiple games in them or high reserves. Tina will post a list of Unsold Leftover Games in the #game-auction text channel on Discord at the end of the auction. This auction, the list will likely include about 40 games (listed below in italics) that we may not have time for.

After the auction, you can view the list of games up for silent auction by logging into our Discord Server, entering the #game-auction text channel, and scrolling up from the most recent post until you see Tina's post with the list. We'll also post it on our Facebook Page.

Registered bidders may submit silent bids on unsold and italicized games via text message to 843-695-1498 by noon Sunday, March 23, 2025.

If there's a particular lot, game, or games on the Leftovers List that you'd like to buy, text us at (843) 695-1498 by noon Sunday, March 23 with your name and the lot number, name of the game(s), and your offer for each lot or individual game you want. If your offer meets the reserve, we'll automatically accept it. If not, we'll present your offer to the seller, and if they accept, we'll charge the credit card you have on file for the amount you offered.

Alpha List of Games in Auction

You can view photos of these games on our Facebook page under Photos: in the March 2025 Auction Album.

Order = approximate auction order number
NIS = new in shrinkwrap
UNP = unplayed, may be unpunched, too

Order Lot # Game Title(s)
94 77 3 Ring Circus
78 52 5 Minute Marvel
38 45 7 Wonders (NIS)
100 87 7th Continent
100 87 7th Continent Crystal's Song expansion
100 87 7th Continent Forbidden Sanctuary expansion (NIS)
100 87 7th Continent Path of Repentance expansion (NIS)
100 87 7th Continent Swamp of Madness expansion (NIS)
100 87 7th Continent What Goes Up expansion (NIS)
5 43 A.R.T. Project
21 29 Abalone
86 68 Adventure Time Card Wars Finn vs Jake 
86 68 Adventure Time Card Wars Princess Bubblegum vs Lumpy Space Princess
13 90 Aegean Sea
109 14 Aerion
95 86 Agean Sea
76 23 Ancient Terrible Things
85 53 Animals of Baker Street
25 59 Arkham Horror 3rd + Dead of Night exp (both UNP)
25 59 Arkham Horror hardback rule book
25 59 Arkham Horror Secrets of the order (UNP)
25 59 Arkham Horror Under Dark Waves expansion (UNP)
77 33 Asking for Troblis
69 74 Atlantis Rising 2nd edition

126 Back to the Future - Dice Through Time

115 Barker's Row
31 98 Batman Shadow of the Bat
103 Be-Rhymed
83 24 Between 2 Cities
23 48 Big Book of Madness
36 20 Big Boss
71 94 Blind Business
30 96 Blood of an Englishman
29 91 Bloodstones
45 92 Blue Lagoon
33 107 Bohemian Villages
111 15 Borderlands Arena of Badassery
17 106 Brave Rats
50 5 Brazil Imperial
44 81 Bridge City Poker

123 Britannia (NIS)
17 106 Broom Service The Card Game
6 47 Burgle Bros 2
66 32 Cantaloop
48 108 Carcassonne 6 mini expansions
40 57 Carcassonne New World
57 73 Carnegie
39 49 Castle Panic Big Box
1 1 Castles of Burgundy dice game
71 94 Chicken + Eggspansion
26 63 Civilization the Board Game

111 Clue

119 Clue Robbery at the Museum

119 Clue Treachery at Tudor Mansion

130 Codenames Pictures
1 1 Codis Naturalis
101 11 Combat Commander
61 104 Concept (NIS)
82 8 Cosmoctopus
16 102 Coup
76 23 Creature Feature
3 18 Crew
112 41 CTRL
109 14 Cyberion
96 10 Daybreak

103 Deadlines

113 Deadlines
22 44 Deep Space Armada (UNP)
84 34 Dog Fight (NIS)
14 95 Dogpark
54 50 Dorf Romantik
110 40 Double Feature

112 Dr Eureka
59 93 Dune + Ixians & Tleilaxu + playmat
65 22 Dune Imperium

113 Dutch Blitz

117 Eleminis
107 13 Endless Winter + Ancestors expansion
5 43 Epic Spell Wars o/t Battle Wizards at Mushroom Marsh
12 89 Escape Curse of the Temple Big Box
63 134 Evolution
115 17 Expeditions
5 43 Fairy Tale

127 Fairy Tale
36 20 Fantastic Factories
55 61 Final Girl Core Box + Haunting of Creech Manor
102 27 Finest Fish
75 7 Fire in the Lake

111 Fits

112 Fits
44 81 Five Three Five

120 Flick'em Up Dead of Winter
80 75 Forges of Ravenshire
82 8 French Quarter
30 96 Fugitive
112 41 Gemblo
28 80 Gentes Deluxified (NIS)
92 54 Ghost Stories
91 35 Gizmos
15 97 God of War The Card Game
43 72 Golem
101 11 Great War Commander

129 Guilds of London
3 18 Hens
5 43 Hero Realms
93 69 Hidden Leaders + Forgotten Legends exp
33 107 Hold Your Breath
3 18 Holly Jolly
97 26 Home Stretch

112 Hoopla 

124 Horizons of Spirit Island (UNP)
72 105 Jaws (UNP)
98 36 Kingdomino Duel
32 101 Klask
10 70 Ladies & Gentlemen

125 Last Banquet
66 32 Last Defense

103 Less is More
114 42 Lifeboat
17 106 Little Devils
30 96 Lost Cities Rivals
35 4 Maiden's Quest
44 81 Maori
67 51 Marvel D.A.G.G.E.R. + promo dice
110 40 Mexican Train (dominos)
51 21 Micropolis
106 38 Micropolis
4 28 Mississippi Queen
7 55 Munchkin Marvel

114 Murder Mystery Murder and the Mob (UNP)

114 Murder Mystery Murder at Lake Como (UNP)

114 Murder Mystery Murder at Mardi Gras (UNP)

114 Murder Mystery Murder at the Pyramids (UNP)

114 Murder Mystery Murder at the Ski Mountain (UNP)

114 Murder Mystery Murder in Hollywood (UNP)

114 Murder Mystery Murder in Monte Carlo (UNP)

114 Murder Mystery Murder in the Dance Hall (UNP)
109 14 Nautilion
104 88 Near & Far (NIS)

112 Nut So Fast

103 On a Scale of 1 to T-Rex
20 19 On Tour
62 109 One Night Revolution KS with promos
109 14 Onirim

117 Ooga Booga

121 Pandemic Rapid Response
30 96 Paperback
11 79 Peacemakers

117 Pegleg
75 7 Pendragon
4 28 Pillars of the Earth
8 58 Planet

117 Pop Tarts
70 83 Praetor
74 135 Puzzle 550 piece Paws Gone Wild
103 37 Pyramid of Penqueen
98 36 Queen's Necklace
68 66 Quest for El Dorado
10 70 Ra
73 110 Red Rising (NIS)
27 71 Reef Project
91 35 Res Arcana
62 109 Resistance + Hidden Agenda & Hostile Intent
94 77 River of Gold
99 78 Rock Hard 1977
60 100 Roll Player Adventures
19 3 Roll Player Big Box
89 9 Rolling Heights
52 31 Royals
42 64 Sail
13 90 Sakura
45 92 Santorini
16 102 Secrets (NIS)
110 40 Seinfeld
21 29 Six Making
57 73 Skymines

117 Something Wild
37 30 Sonar
56 65 Spirits of the Forest Deluxe Edition + Moonlight Exp
87 76 Spring & Autumn
9 62 Star Wars the Deckbuilding Game
46 99 Starfinder Pirates of Skydock
37 30 Steam Up + Fame & Fortune exp

128 Steampunk Rally
109 14 Stellarion

103 Streaks

122 Summer Camp
103 37 Sunflower Valley
114 42 Super Mega Lucky Box
82 8 Superskill Pinball
18 131 Sushi Roll

111 Suspicion
113 16 Tainted Grail Fall of Avalon + Stretch Goals
34 132 Takenoko
108 39 Tales of the Arabian Nights
84 34 Targi
71 94 Tellstones
58 82 Teotihuacan
2 2 Tesseract

127 Thief's Market
64 6 Through Ice & Snow Big Box
88 85 Thunderstone Quest
98 36 Ticket to Ride London
16 102 Tides of Madness (NIS)
105 12 Tiwanaku
90 25 Tokaido
52 31 Torres
47 116 Tower of Madness

118 Tragedy Looper + Midnight Circle expansion (NIS)
83 24 Trails
105 12 Turing Machine
79 67 Turris
49 133 Twilight Imperium Rex
33 107 Twilight Squabble
53 46 Ultimate Werewolf Legacy
87 76 Umberlla Academy
106 38 Umbra Via
35 4 Under Falling Skies

113 Unstable Unicorns
77 33 Via Nebula
24 56 Video Game High School

127 Warehouse 51
105 12 Whitehall Mystery
27 71 Windmill Valley
41 60 World of Tanks + Stug III
81 84 World Wonders

113 Yeti Eats Alien


Don’t miss out! Register NOW by calling Tina at (843) 851-1498.

For more information about the auction, please see the FAQ, and our blog post for the upcoming event.

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